Watch How Return Of The Jedi Should Have Ended

By Rudie Obias | Published 11 years ago This article is more than 2 years old Now that J.J. Abrams will command the new Star Wars movie, lets hope he can rectify the franchises past sins with Episode VII. Return of the Jedi is a prime example of the Star Wars saga going downhill after

By Rudie Obias | Published 11 years ago

This article is more than 2 years old

Now that J.J. Abrams will command the new Star Wars movie, let’s hope he can rectify the franchise’s past sins with Episode VII. Return of the Jedi is a prime example of the Star Wars saga going downhill after hitting such great heights with The Empire Strikes Back. It’s a good movie, but you can see where George Lucas was veering down the road that would eventually lead to Jar-Jar Binks country (we’re looking at you, Ewoks). Watch the latest “How It Should Have Ended” featuring Return of the Jedi below.

Why did the Empire build a new Death Star with the exact same vulnerability as the first one? How did adorable Ewoks topple the Empire? And why did Luke see different versions of Anakin Skywalker at the end of the film? These are some of the hilarious questions in Return of the Jedi that don’t line up with the previous, or later, Star Wars movies. Oh, and Darth Vader’s reaction to finding out that he also has a daughter is priceless!

Return of the Jedi is a solid ending to the original trilogy, and it’s leagues better than anything in the prequel trilogy, but it still leaves a bad taste in the mouths of some Star Wars fans. It felt like George Lucas wanted the original trilogy’s ending to be more kid-friendly than The Empire Strikes Back.

The How It Should Have Ended series has been going strong for a few years now. The most notable entries of the series include Looper, Prometheus, and The Hunger Games.

